Sibel Savacı, who was born in Ankara in 1958, has completed her education in Özel Moran College and ABC College.
Savacı, besides of modeling between 1978 and 1989, has realized sales and marketing, concept and collection consultancy, production and organization works in the textile and advertising sector. Savacı, who received sales-marketing education for the brands like Estee Lauder, Vakkorama etc. in Vakko Textile A.Ş between the years 1984 and 1986, has worked as the Coordinator of Vakkorama Store.
Sibel Savacı, after terminating her modeling career in 1989, has provided brand concept consultancy and organization services to different institution and foundation, ITKIB (Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporters Associations) being in the first place. Savacı, who undertakes the production and presentation of the programs “Pazar 89” (Sunday 89) and “Moda Penceresi” (Window of Fashion”) in TRT Istanbul Television, has continued her job as a fashion critic in the Rapsodi Magazine.
Sibel Savacı, who brought, the international stock photography agency THE IMAGE BANK which is a first in the advertising sector as the co-founder, has assured the spread of copyright and leasing system by its adoption in the sector during the agency period which she used to execute its general direction.
In 1994, Sibel Savacı, who worked in special projects in the fields of television and brand communication by going to England, has created the ÜÇES Production and Public Relations Agency and has started to provide PR services besides TV production and production works after coming back to Turkey in 1995,. In the same period, she has undertaken the production and presentation of the programs like “Altın Kalpler” (Gold Hearts), “Komşular” (The Neighbours) in Kanal D and Kanal 6. Savacı, who continues to work as ÜÇES Communication Consultancy Agency Chairwoman, provides institutional communication and marketing communication consultancy services to leading brand and institutions of different sectors dating from 1995.
Sibel Savacı has undertaken tasks in different projects in civil society formations like the Democracy Platform, ÇYDD (the Association In Support Of Contemporary Living), Our Country Foundation, ÇEV (Foundation for Contemporary Education) with her mission of social responsibility since 1992. As from 1994, she’s continuing her works as the Board of Trustee and Board Member of Umut Foundation which has been created with the mission to get the rule of law accepted in our country and the mission of conciliation science and individual disarmament.