Prof. Dr. Timur Demirbaş

Prof.Dr.Timur Demirbaş was born in 1954 in Nevşehir. He completed the Niğde High School in 1972 and the Istanbul Law Faculty in 1976. He started to work as a Criminal Law Assistant in Prof.Dr. Sahir Erman’s desk in Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 1977. He completed his doctor’s degree in 1983. He was appointed to Assistant Professor in Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Law in 1986. He became a Lecturer in 1991 and a Professor in 1997.
He did researches in Federal Germany with DAAD and Humboldt scholarships on various dates. He worked as a Commissioner of the Draft Law on Criminal Execution and as a Member of Izmir Prison Monitoring Board. Since October 2002, he has worked as a Professor in Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Law. He has 9 of his books about Penalty and Law on Criminal Procedure, Law on Criminal Execution and Criminology and lot of his articles published.