Nazire Dedeman Çağatay

Nazire Dedeman Çağatay, who was born in Ankara in 1949, is a graduate of TED Ankara College .
Besides her task of Vice President in Dedeman Holding, Founding President of Umut Önderler Yetiştirme Vakfı (Umut Foundation) and at the same time the chairwoman. The Foundation is classified as an NGO under the Statute of Private Consultancy with UN Economic and Social Council and a member of EFC and IANSA networks. She undertakes active tasks in Umut Foundation which displays activity in the fields of ensuring young people follow peaceful means in the rule of law, individual armament, peace and resolution of disagreements. Lot of notifications, articles and interviews have been published related to this issue. Due to her works in the foundation, she was honoured with more than thirty prizes and awards.
Active in lot of nongovernmental organizations, is one of the founders of Turkey’s Third Sector Foundation (TÜSEV) and TED Istanbul College Foundation, also a member of TED Ankara College Association, Tourism Investors Association (TYD), the Union of Turkish Hotel Owners (TÜROB), Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TÜRSAB), Turkey’s Charity of Heart and Kayseri Province Fraternal Association Istanbul Department (KYD).
Nazire Dedeman Çağatay, who wrote the poetry books “Nazire” and “Bir Avuç Göl”(Handful of lake) has seen some of her poems composed and vocalized and taken place in the Album “Herşey Alt Üst” (everything is dashed). She has participated in a few public-private exhibitions with her own drawings, deals also with organic viniculture and olive culture.