“Individual Disarmament and Violence News in Turkey”
12th Local Media Seminar is in Antalya…
12th Local Media Seminar on “Individual Disarmament and Violence News in Turkey" is being held on 14th October 2012, Sunday, in Dedeman Antalya Hotel. All journalists from Burdur, Isparta and Denizli are invited to seminar…
Starting from the fourth estate that is the local media, “Individual Disarmament and Violence News in Turkey” themed Local Media Seminars, Umut Foundation has launched aiming at approaching the events that have taken place because of violence and individual armament in an objective way and with criticism appropriate for job specifications, have been continuing since 2007. 12th of the seminars that have been held in Diyarbakır, Rize, Eskişehir, Hatay, Kars, Gaziantep, Konya, Muğla, İzmir, Zonguldak and Bandırma before, will be held on 14th October 2012 in Dedeman Antalya Hotel. The seminar lasts one day.
Seminar for which Friedrich Ebert Foundation has made the contribution will start on 14th October 2012 Sunday, at 10:00 with “Opening” speeches. After the opening speech of Nazire Dedeman Çağatay who is the Founding President of Umut Foundation, 1st Session will take place.
Subjects on how critical journalism is performed and ethical occupational principles of journalism and individual disarmament in terms of right to life in Turkey will be discussed in first session of the seminar titled “Critical Journalism, Violence News”. Session will end with the Q&A.
And subjects such as Gender Mainstreaming Roles in Violence News, "Human Rights" in Violence News and “Hate Speech in Media” will be discussed in 2nd session titled “Discrimination and the Liabilities of Media”. After the Q&A session, lunch time will start.
Then, subjects such as overview of media and assessment of violence news editorially will be discussed in the 3rd session titled “Violence News, Journalism Occupational Principles and Local Media”. Discussion Section in 4th Session will include the experiences, opinions and assessments from local media.
Seminar will be ended with the certificate ceremony following the general assessment by Nail Güreli, Umut Foundation Honorary Trustee and Columnist of Milliyet.
For detailed information: 0212 337 29 93; vakif@umut.org.tr
13th October, Saturday / Dedeman Antalya Hotel
14th October, Sunday / Dedeman Antalya Hotel
- 09:30 Registration and Treats
- 10:00 Opening Speeches
Nazire Dedeman Çağatay, Founding President of Umut Foundation
Dr. Ahmet Altıparmak, Antalya Governor (if honored)
1. SESSION: Critical Journalism, Violence News
- 10:20 Session Leader: Mevlüt Yeni, President of Antalya Association of Journalists
- 10:30 How is critical journalism conscious about social problems made?
Nail Güreli, Honorary Trustee of Umut Foundation - Columnist in Milliyet - 10:50 Individual Disarmament in terms of the right to Life: Situation in Turkey and Responsibility of Media
Psikiyatr Dr. Ayhan Akcan, Board Member of Umut Foundation - 11:10 QA Session
- 11:20 Coffee Break
2. SESSION: Discrimination and Responsibility of Media
- 11:30 Session Leader: Oktay Pirim, Antalya Representative of Milliyet
- 11:50 Hate Speech in Media
Ertuğrul Mavioğlu, Journalist, Author - 12:10 Overview of Media with the Perspective of Gender Mainstreaming
Deniz Gökçe, Journalist - 12:30 QA Session
- 12:50 Lunch
3. SESSION: Violence News, Journalism Occupational Principles
- 14:30 Session Leader: Bünyamin Tokmak, Contemporary Journalists’ Assocation
- 14:40 Approach of Journalists to Violence News within the Framework of Journalism Occupational Principles and Turkish Journalists Association Declaration of Right and Liabilities
Dr. Recep Yaşar, Turkish Journalists Association - 15:00 Profile of Violence in Turkey and Their Reflection in Media
Prof. Dr. İsmail Tufan, Akdeniz University, Academic Member of Department of Gerontology, Board Member of Umut Foundation
- 15:20 QA Session
- 15:30 Coffee Break
4. SESSION: DISCUSSION: Outlook of Local Media on Violence Journalism
- 15:45 Participants: Psychiatrist Dr. Ayhan Akcan, Dr. Recep Yaşar, Ertuğrul Mavioğlu, Deniz Gökçe, Prof. Dr. İsmail Tufan
- 16:15 General Assessment
Nail Güreli - 16:30 Certificate Ceremony and Closing
Local Media Seminar on Individual Disarmament and Violence News in Turkey
October 14, 2012, Dedeman Antalya Hotel
Dear Guests, Welcome.
“I’m pleased to be with you in Antalya in the 12th of our Local Media Seminars on “Individual Disarmament and Violence News in Turkey”.
Umut Foundation has been working on the subjects such as individual disarmament, violence, culture of peace and superiority of law for 19 years and has been sharing their information and researches with the public whenever possible. Media support has always been with us during this period. We, as Umut Foundation, have been and will continue to share our researches, problems we observe, our criticisms and assessments with the media and with the public through media.
When we started working on Local Media Seminars, we decided that our main subject should be "right to life” that is the essential human right. Violations of right to life impede the democratization efforts. Media, defined as the fourth power, has an important role in correct functioning of democracy in terms of surveillance on behalf of public and creating a public opinion. That’s why, it’s so natural to address and discuss the "right to life" with media.
The extreme point of violations of right to life is to end someone’s life using violence. And the extreme point of violence is individual armament. We can see the violence map of Turkey more easily via media. Turkey is in the 14th place among 178 countries with regard to armament. During the last decade, crimes committed by firearms have increased by 83%.
Aim of the series of Local Media Seminars about “Individual Disarmament and Violence News in Turkey” is to create the critical approach of media, especially local media having the most significant power of reforming that is objective about the events and about reflecting the events of violence and individual disarmament and is appropriate for the job requirements.
You, as journalists have very important liabilities and duties on this subject.
As a part of daily life, the violence news being read and paid attention mostly, maybe tells the media follower about various experiences related to life and tells human stories. And witnessing these news and incidents, are the journalists aware of the fact that they shape social opinion and behaviors as the narrators of these stories? Are the journalists aware of the responsibility they bear while they report the events they witnessed?
These questions constitute the base of our current training program. First of all, violence news will be discussed with regard to occupational principles of journalism and human rights. Later, we will be informed about gender mainstreaming, hate crimes and attitude of the media in violence news.
Then, in the discussion session, we will focus on “Local Media’s Perspective on Violence Journalism” together with our panelists, session moderators and you, our journalist friends. This session is very important as it will reveal our perspective mutually on the topic. That’s why we ask you to participate in the last session and share your opinions, experiences, questions and assessments with us.
Following the last session, we will be pleased to present your certificates.
Hereby, I sincerely thank to all those who contributed; our speakers Nail Güreli, Dr. Ayhan Akcan, Ertuğrul Mavioğlu, Deniz Gökçe, Dr. Recep Yaşar and Prof Dr. İsmail Tufan.
I also express my sincere thanks to Friedrich Ebert Foundation for their financial support in the organization of this seminar.
I hope it will be a productive and an entertaining seminar where your participation is high.
To hopeful tomorrows…

“Individual Disarmament and Violence News in Turkey”
12th Local Media Seminar is in Antalya…
12th Local Media Seminar on “Individual Disarmament and Violence News in Turkey" is being held on 14th October 2012, Sunday, in Dedeman Antalya Hotel. All journalists from Burdur, Isparta and Denizli are invited to seminar…
Starting from the fourth estate that is the local media, “Individual Disarmament and Violence News in Turkey” themed Local Media Seminars, Umut Foundation has launched aiming at approaching the events that have taken place because of violence and individual armament in an objective way and with criticism appropriate for job specifications, have been continuing since 2007. 12th of the seminars that have been held in Diyarbakır, Rize, Eskişehir, Hatay, Kars, Gaziantep, Konya, Muğla, İzmir, Zonguldak and Bandırma before, will be held on 14th October 2012 in Dedeman Antalya Hotel. The seminar lasts one day.
Seminar for which Friedrich Ebert Foundation has made the contribution will start on 14th October 2012 Sunday, at 10:00 with “Opening” speeches. After the opening speech of Nazire Dedeman Çağatay who is the Founding President of Umut Foundation, 1st Session will take place.
Subjects on how critical journalism is performed and ethical occupational principles of journalism and individual disarmament in terms of right to life in Turkey will be discussed in first session of the seminar titled “Critical Journalism, Violence News”. Session will end with the Q&A.
And subjects such as Gender Mainstreaming Roles in Violence News, "Human Rights" in Violence News and “Hate Speech in Media” will be discussed in 2nd session titled “Discrimination and the Liabilities of Media”. After the Q&A session, lunch time will start.
Then, subjects such as overview of media and assessment of violence news editorially will be discussed in the 3rd session titled “Violence News, Journalism Occupational Principles and Local Media”. Discussion Section in 4th Session will include the experiences, opinions and assessments from local media.
Seminar will be ended with the certificate ceremony following the general assessment by Nail Güreli, Umut Foundation Honorary Trustee and Columnist of Milliyet.
For detailed information: 0212 337 29 93; vakif@umut.org.tr