2. Symposium Of Youngsters In Law: "Role Of Law In Breakıng Violence Cycle"

Friday, November 25, 2011
Ankara Law Society
Training Center

Nazire Dedeman Çağatay’s Speech 

Honorable Guests, Dear Youngsters,
We would like to appreciate your for your participation and interest.
When Umut Vakfi was established in 1993 it made it its goal to bring up you youngsters that are guarantees of our future as individuals, who believe in superiority of law,  
who trust justice, who dissolve their disputes and conflicts using peaceful methods and who are aware of citizenship rules and responsibilities, by basing all our activities on superiority of law and considering basic human rights  
and freedoms as our guide in this process.
We have been providing trainings and campaigns as well as academical studies in subjects such as superiority of law, peace and negotiation culture, citizenship knowledge and violence and individual disarmament  
when working to accomplish the aforementioned goals. We carry out different activities to establish public opinion, raising awareness and providing information regarding said subjects in particular the violence that results from individual armament.  
The fundamental behind all our works is superiority of law, peace culture and trust in justice. Each of us build our personalities based on our life experiences and initiatives 
. We not only shape based on cultural and social environment, family and education system in which we have born, but we also learn some codes regarding social life.  Focus of this work, which considers youths in its center, 
is to create a democratic discussion environment in which you that we refer to as "youngsters of law" can share your opinions regarding our social lives between yourselves and  
exchange your opinions with us.
The second organization related to "symposium of youngsters in law" series, which is a work carried out by Umut Vakfi Research Center that was established in 2009, takes place with this event. These symposium series that we shall continue to  
organize as a research center will be held in different subjects every year. We hope to create new opinions in different subjects through these events, to provide an environment for liberal discussion 
 and to create a wide platform to help youths familiarize themselves with new people and new worlds annually. We hope to make it possible for new thoughts and researches and different worlds 
to come together under with efforts of Umut Vakfi Research Center and to bring together the information and applications produced by youths in this platform. 
As Umut Vakfi we believe in importance of points of views between disciplines in our works.  Although becoming an expert in a single subject accompanies deep knowledge in a certain area, it doesn’t create an integrated approach regarding other  
subjects framing that certain subject. Therefore, we asked you, youths to consider approaches between disciplines when we invited you to  
think and conduct research regarding "Role of Law in Breaking Violence Cycle" 
As you are aware our constitution refers to the Government of Turkish Republic as a government of law and various provisions are put into effect to make it possible to establish a government of law. Therefore, basic rights and 
freedoms shall primarily be secured. 
I have to indicate that we are so proud and excited to be among you, youngsters today in symposium to hear about various approaches and researches regarding  
a broad subject such as Violence cycle. 
I, hereby, would like to sincerely appreciate Ankara Law Association and Ankara University Faculty of Law for their collaboration in organizing the second Youngsters in Law Symposium. I appreciate  
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation for its financial supports.