18th Individual Disarmament Award-Winning Contest
- About Contest
- Umut Foundation aims at attracting attention to the social dimension of increasing individual armament by questioning reasons, results and dangers of it by making use of the power and opportunities of the art of animation in social communication and to increase awareness of the public in this regard by using challenging, determining and underlining images.
Competition aims at giving the message that peace can spread among the society first beginning between two people and contrary to violence emerging with individual armament, individual disarmament, to give it to the society with peaceful images of individual disarmament. It will be encouraged to create awareness among the public regarding the problem and to make a claim by way of broadcasting of the works, which participate in the competition, at the events of the Umut Faundation and in the visual media. - Application Form
“INDIVIDUAL DISARMAMENT : RESPECT THE RIGHT TO LIVE”CARTOON (ANIMATION) COMPETITIONAPPLICATION FORMName-SurnameBirthplace / YearEducationName and term of the workName and surname of the person who will receive the award cheque in case of a work designed by more than one person receives the awardTelephoneE-mailAddressSignature – I accept Provisions of the Specifications.Acceptance No.(It will be completed by the delivery center.) - Poster
- Selection Comitee Meeting
- Turgut AKAÇIK, Commercials and Short Film Animation Director
- Dr.Ayhan Akcan, Psychiatrist, Member of Executive Board of Umut Foundation
- Nazire Dedeman Çağatay, Founding President of Umut Foundation
- Ali Murat Erkorkmaz, Architect, Writer, Painter-Animator, Musician and Software Expert
- Prof. Dr. İpek Gürkaynak, Cochairman of Gürkaynak Citizenship Institute
- Berat İLK, President of Canlandıranlar Association, Producer, Director, Faculty Member of İstanbul Bilgi University E.A.Ü.G.S.F. Cartoon Department
- Asst. Prof. Fethi Kaba, Anadolu University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department Head of Cartoon (Animation)
- Işıl Özgentürk ,Writer, Movie Director
- Emre Senan, Graphic Designer
- Competition Result
- First Prize
Furkan Yıldırım - “Yağmur”
Second Prize
M.Sinan Gürsel - “Ayaküstü” - Nazire Dedeman Çağatay’s Speech
Nazire Dedeman Çağatay
Founder President of Umut FoundationSeptember 28th Individual Disarmament Day
18. Individual Disarmament Day Award CeremonyTaksim The Marmara Hotel
Dear Guests,
Today, we have held the Walk of the Silent Shoes in Taksim Square for the 12th time to say no to the Individual Armament.
And now, I would like to say that I am glad to be together with you, my precious friends in the 18th Individual Disarmament Award Ceremony.
Every year, we lose 4.500 people in average because of individual weapons. We always say that both parties are victim. That is, the dead and the killer. From this point of view, 50.000 aggrieved people fall apart because of individual weapons every year. Countries in which the death rates are lowest in the world are countries in which the individual armament is more difficult. As Umut Foundation, we aim to see Turkey among these countries and to decrease the victimhood. We desire the individual armament directly interfering in the right to life that is the fundamental right to be restricted in the period of issuing the Constitution. Our utmost desire is to have also the draft of the gun law pending since 2009 handled again this year. The continuance of our foundation’s, other non governmental organizations’ and citizens’ efforts is undoubtedly important. However, contribution of the lawmaker and law enforcement authorities, politicians and local governments is extremely important in individual disarmament.
For that reason;
This year, we will give plaques to express our thanks for the projects carried out throughout the country against individual armament that is directly violating the right to live. We hope such applications will be taken as example and spread all over Turkey and will be lasting enough to create cultural change. I thank them very much.
The visual and plastic arts have undoubtedly the power of making people think while entertaining them and giving striking messages in a short time. Based on this, Umut Foundation has determined the subject of September 28th Individual Disarmament Day Traditional Prize Competition in this year as Animated Cartoon. We aimed to benefit from the power of the Art of Animation in social communication, to draw attention to the social dimension examining the probable causes, results and dangers of increased individual armament and to raise the awareness of public about this subject using the scenes thought-provoking, declaratory and highlighting. Competition aimed at giving the message that peace can spread among the society first beginning between two people and contrary to violence emerging with individual armament, individual disarmament, to give it to the society with peaceful images of individual disarmament. It will be encouraged to create awareness among the public regarding the problem and to make a claim by broadcasting the works of winners at the events of Umut Foundation and in the visual media.
I sincerely thank to valued Members of the Selection Committee of our competition, Dr. Ayhan AKCAN, Ali Murat ERKORKMAZ, Prof. Dr. İpek GÜRKAYNAK, Berat İLK and Işıl ÖZGENTÜRK for their contribution.
Furthermore, I thank to all participants who participated to our competition, who presented their support to individual disarmament with their works and I congratulate each of the winners.
To hopeful tomorrows… - Photos