"To Be A Citizen..." Teachers Hand Manuel
Prof.Dr.Ipek Gürkaynak
Doç.Dr. F.Dilek Gözütok
Dr.Sebnem Akipek
Ar.Gör. Melike Türkan Bagli
Ar. Gör.Tufan Erhürman
Ar. Gör.Fatma Özdemir Uluç
Ankara/Umut Vakfı Publications
1. Edition June 1998
2. Edition September 2000
3. Edition April 2005
1998/162 pages
The books have been written by a team comprised of experts in different disciplines; they include necessary methods for education based on questioning, visual elements making the subject more attractive and contemporary issues. The books have been suggested to 7th and 8th grade students upon the 04.08.1998 date and 008378 numbered decision of Ministry of Education, Education and Training Council.
The books which were written by 6 academics from the University of Ankara Faculty of Law And Education Sciences are primarily written for students of secondary schools and teachers of Citizenship Information and Human Rights Education. But, the reader group of these books are not limited to these individuals. All the students and teachers wishing to read and cause other read a different and a contemporary book and teachers who wish to teach their students to think and produce ideas will like these books.
The student book has been written in order to make students think, develop their opinions and encourage students in human rights and basic rights and freedoms, concepts lying in the root of them, and in general about the responsibilities of being a citizen. The book aims to contribute students in a non-restrictive, guiding method in directing them to become inquisitive, questioning, criticizing and freely thinking, discussing, able to structure knowledge and solve problems.
It has been defended that citizenship is not restricted to activities and responsibilities like voting, paying taxes, serving one’s military service and a civil, democrat and participating citizen is aimed. Moreover, being a human requires one to give importance for the rights of other people in other nations, being against discrimination of all types, war, and torture. For this reason, in the student’s book, some sensitive issues like the death penalty has been addressed as well.
Teacher’s Hand book includes tips and suggestions for the teacher to enrich the lessons by giving examples, develop different approaches and try new techniques. When the teacher is reading and studying this book, it will be helpful and more productive if he/she also looks at the students’ book en order to make some determinations.
Naturally, the Students’ Book and The Teachers’ Hand Book comprises of the same subjects in the same order. There are 20 lessons in the books. The books start with a lesson with the topic of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and conclude with lessons with the topic Rights of Children. The first 8 lessons are about basic concepts like justice, responsibility, reconciliation etc. These lessons are studied since it is thought that they will prepare students for the upcoming lessons about rights and freedoms.
The 4 next lessons study the relations between the family and the child from different perspectives. After the lesson having the topic ‘The Constitution’, the last 7 lessons have been allocated to basic right and freedoms like the Freedom of Speech(Opinions), Freedom of Religion and Conscience, Right of Education, Right To Work etc.
books has been published in the first edition, but upon the interest shown on the book, 25.000 books have been published in the second edition.
Preamble |
Nazire Dedeman Education is expected to have a significant role in youths’ being effective and participatory citizens. Citizens who have imbibed the values that should be in a democratic society, who are conscious of their rights and responsibilities, who own the values and the rules that lies under the concepts such as human rights, superiority of law, state of law can be brought up by creating education opportunities which consist of knowledge and skills necessary for these. To successful future filled with hopes… |
Contents |